Do excuse the the inappropriateness of using a US Military Voluntary Draft poster for recruiting Indian Political Commentators, but the phrase 'We Want You' is rarely put across in a better way. :)
Modern Indian Politics invites guest articles, opinions and even rants about information relating to Modern + Indian + Politics. While pieces relating to current affairs are the most preferred, please feel free to bring back historical issues, as well as predictions on how you expect things to become. With the delicate relationship of Politics with the Economy, articles about the Indian economy might also be a good idea.
Please email articles to modernindianpolitics@gmail.com in the next few weeks. Brevity and conciseness always make for good articles, but if you enjoy a healthy one-sided rant, do send that too. Selected articles will be published with full details of the Guest Author.
Let the writing commence!
Kindly check out my blog about politics in India : pareshlodha [dot] blogspot [dot] com